Meet the Chef

Hi, I’m Emily, and I absolutely love food.

The truth is, I believe food has such an opportunity to bring happiness to people. The simple joy of savoring your favorite flavors and textures is one of the rare pleasures that humans can experience on a day-to-day basis. And that is why I say that food, for me, is a hobby.

Whether it be cooking at home, reading recipes or articles about food, watching cooking shows, eating out, or even doing research about ingredients, food and everything related to it are things I truly, fully enjoy. So that’s why I wanted to start this food blog: I have so much passion for food that I wanted a way to share it.

On this blog you will follow me on my food journey. I’ll share the recipes I try at home, show you some of my go-to dishes, and reveal some of the tips and tricks I’ve learned from cooking. You’ll learn that I am someone who enjoys both the fancy foods and the down-to-earth comfort favorites; fine dining, and backyard BBQs; that I like both oysters and onions.

One last thing: I am not a chef. I have never been trained in cooking, and I only know what I’m doing from teaching myself and through trial and error. But I also hope that this will make my blog accessible to you: if I can do it, you can do it. So I hope from my blog, you get a bit of inspiration about what to cook, maybe learn something you didn’t know, but most importantly, that you find the joy in your oysters and onions!

How to follow me and contact me:

Oyster & Onion logo by @doodlestation